" danger hat: Columbus Recon

Monday, March 06, 2006

Columbus Recon

So I'm back from Columbus, and I'm still confused. It seems like a really cool place actually. There's a couple great city neighborhoods that will be fun to live/play in. I even found a job opp that I am technically underqualified for, but might be able to sweet talk my way into.
It's just that the city is really really clean and it kinda freaks me out. I know, I know it's the capital and things get a little more care. But golly goodness, spit a little gum on the sidewalk folks.
Also I was SUPPOSED to go skate with the Ohio Rollergirls, but that kind of went poof into smoke. Funny story: The skate session I was supposed to meet up with everyone at turned out to be a clever ruse for a surprise party for my one contact in the league. That's right, the one person who I was arranging things with was the one person who had no idea what was going to happen. She very considerately called and invited me to her surprise party once she knew. And in a shocking twist, I actually mustered up the social juevos to go. And I stayed for like a whole hour, hour and half and chatted and drank a rum and coke and ate some cake. Then decided to head out to store some sleep for the drive home. La! Funny story: Ryan warned me to keep tabs on his phone, the hotel key, and the rental car key lest I feel his wrath the next morning. And I was so proud of myself when I got back to our (crummy) hotel room and presented him with his phone. Only to realize I had handed him someone else's phone. Ryan's was in my bag too; I have no idea how the other one got in there as I hadn't been aware of its existence until that very moment. So I ended up having to drive back to the party (where everyone was a little drunker), It turned out to be a serendipitous thing because the coach was standing on the front porch and I got to talk with him. He eased my concerns about being able to make the team this year (hooray!) and also offered to hook me up with some Columbus relocation info he has on hand (he's a doctoral candidate at THE Ohio State University and provides welcoming committee services to incoming grad students). La!
After that I went back to the motel and passed out. La!
The next morning Ryan and I went out to breakfast with a guy who will be working in the same department and his wife. Funny story: His wife works for a small publisher who's focus is after school program materials for students. When I mentioned that I spastically write/draw, she mentioned that maybe I should do something for them... While I doubt I'm actually qualified, it's a good connection to have.(This is not the aforementioned job, which I'm not going to discuss lest I jinx it...)
The End


At 11:13 PM, Blogger sarahkate said...

I sounds like oh high oh might be a good fit for you. I can't believe I actually said that. I mean it though.

At 10:29 AM, Blogger Ted Carter said...

Glad things went well, and that perhaps some of your fears have been lessened.


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