$5, por favor
So, I almost feel like this day of the blog is redundant, since I can't seem to keep derby out of my other posts. But here it is, your moment of ARRG!:
I HUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTT. I fell on my butt jumping over cones last night. Normally this isn't a problem, I've got a lot of nature's padding back there to absorb the shock. However something hit slightly off and now the whole right side of me is achey. I was able to head off the migraine the fall almost induced with a strategic hit of generic aleve last night, but I'm still sooooorrrrreee.
Oh the derby drug. We're all a bunch of (mostly) grown women out there. We could opt out at any time. And yet we keep going back for more. Such addicts...
Sadly our coach is out of town for the next two weeks. His son is supposed to fill in, and while he's just as good of a teacher (and funny/nice to boot), I sort of need the gristly meanness of Coach Ken to get my ass in gear.
Oh! Yes! I almost! Forgot! Thursday I will be working the Pain and Pleasure Wheel at our Hi-Pointe Meet and greet. I'm not exactly sure what pleasure and/or pain I will be dealing out, only the wheel knows that. I may also be arm wrestling, which for the record I'm not very successful at. Maybe I should rent Over the Top to pick up some pointers, eh?
I think that's all for now, no word on Chi-town vs. Columbus yet. I'm pretending they don't exist for the moment...
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