" danger hat: SPT: All of me?

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

SPT: All of me?

So this Self-Portrait Tuesday thing I'm trying has "official" themes each month. This month is "All of Me," which seems to mean showing off all the icky body bits you're embarrassed of. I feel I've shown my fair share of unflattering poses, but here's a few of the photos that didn't make the cut:

Never been too happy with the beefy nature of my legs, but I'm coming to terms as I've convinced myself they help motor me around the rink. Still don't plan on wearing too many more skirts like this one.

Yeah, so I don't usually have double chin. At least I don't think I do... Every once in awhile though it shows up in photographic evidence such as this. Where does it go when it's not there?

Here's me crying over one of the three things I've been crying over lately... Yep that's pretty bare...

However, the real honesty starts here. You've seen the dinos, the mustaches, the silliness that develops between me and the camera sometimes, but I don't know that anything tops this:

This was never meant to see the light of day. But here it is, and now you know.


At 8:54 AM, Blogger Ted Carter said...

Awfully brave of you. (Just wanted to comment so you knew someone was reading - I know I get frustrated when I've made several posts without comment.)

And remember we are always our own worst critics, so you can take comfort in the idea that no one thinks you are as icky as you yourself think you are.

At 8:56 AM, Blogger April said...

Not to mention the thick, pink parasite slithering out of my foodhole. Such a pain that one.

At 10:45 AM, Blogger Ted Carter said...

I think the pairing of the terms "parasite" and "foodhole" will haunt me for the rest of the day...

At 12:45 PM, Blogger April said...

I appreciate the support, but honestly I don't have a lot of problem revealing my knobby bits. Sure I have body issues (mostly related to not being able to fit my extreme calf muscles in tall boots and other fashion woes), but I don't know that I would trade my body for another. I'd like to make it stronger, with more endurance, but I like it just the way it is for the most part. Really if I was going to show the parts of me that I loathe most, none of them would be physical. And I'm not quite ready to be that honest yet.

At 2:07 PM, Blogger Ted Carter said...

The I think you are probably "in better shape" in that realm than most of us.

As for the icky dark stuff inside, I know exactly what you mean. And yet we choose to blog. Hmmm...

At 8:44 AM, Blogger The Girl in Black said...

You are adorable in all of them. I miss having fun with myself. And being younger. Thankfully, the tradeoff has been worthwhile.

And yes, Kristopher, she deserves a puppy. That way you can keep one for yourself, as there's likely to be a price break on two.


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