" danger hat: One Way to Live a Life

Saturday, April 15, 2006

One Way to Live a Life

We dyed eggs at Ryan's parents tonight. It seemed like a good idea at the time, however both Ryan and I are a little 'different' and always conceptualize 'different' things which doesn't translate well to Paas and hard-boiled eggs. This means we ended up with eggs resembling Bolsheviks, Jackson Pollock art on a bad day, and runny faces. Also eggs decorated with the Preamble, girls on skates, and one with a large X with a note about Egg apartheid ('Brown Eggs in 2007'). There may be pictures in the future.
We've been doing massive amounts of laundry in prep for the move. I seem to have a major sock issue. People joke about sock gnomes that steal one sock from every load. I think they stalk me. I have a total three pairs of matching socks at the moment, and one member from all the pairs I've owned in the last five years. What the hell happens to them all?
On the Ryan geek front: He found his blueprints for the Rocketeer jet pack in his dad's rolltop desk.
Oh, and I forgot to mention we were fortunate enough to catch a Cardinals game at the new Stadium. Oh my freaking lord is it gorgeous. We lucked out and had the most beautiful day of the year and luxury box seats right behind homeplate. In general, I sort of scoff at the luxury boxes, but since we got to sit outside the whole time on cushy new seats with a full on view of the field at the upper half of the Arch, I'm not complaining. I'm not a huge sports fan in general, at least not a FAN (okay I did have a Janet Evans, Summer Sanders poster when I was younger, but that's swimming which really only other swimmers follow; and I do have a Mike Bibby child-sized jersey, but that's more Ryan's influence than anything). I try to stay current with what's going on, but I'm no stats monkey. I was a little sore about the dismantling of Busch Stadium last fall, just because it was so much a part of my St. Louis experience, but wowee if the new park doesn't heal some of the pangs. It's seriously lovely and constructed with the fan in mind; it's almost enough to bring me back to the days when I loved watching Willie McGee and Ozzie play.


At 11:38 AM, Blogger Ted Carter said...

I grew up close to Kansas City, so I remember fondly the year of the I-70 series. Royals vs. Cardinals. I don't think there was a resident of Missouri who wasn't a baseball fan that year.


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