" danger hat: Why I hate losing (and sometimes team sports)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Why I hate losing (and sometimes team sports)

We lost two games in a row this weekend, which was alawys at the back of my mind this weekend. Treading out into interleague waters is dangerous as you leave the safety of how your home league plays the game. While I loved each and every person on the team this time, it was a weaker team by virtue of scheduling conflicts, etc. This is evidenced by the fact that I played more in these two games than I ever have in my derby career. I've gotten a lot better over the last few months, but I ain't that great ;). I've never been much for team sports, and even in my non-athletic activities I've tended to veer toward the individual rather than the group. I like the family that can develop, but I like for all the failure (and, okay, the success) to fall squarely on my shoulders. I have to keep reminding myself that this is no longer the game I play, and that if I want to truly succeed at this particular sport I'm going to have to find that team mentality. I need to find a way to motivate and be motivated, communicate and listen, etc.
Blah blah blah.


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