" danger hat: September 2006

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

About the Shy

So we celebrated our one year wedding anniversary this weekend. The skin under my ring has a different texture thatn the rest of my hand, smooth and silky like a stone that's being polished by the current of a river. Ain't that poetic.
We went to Barcelona, a nice nearby restaurant, to celebrate. I, of course, drank too much wine. But the thing that struck me most about the night is how uncomfortable I was entering the new restaurant. It's becoming a trend, this begging off of the unknown. I would rather just curl up under a blanket in my house. I have to force myself to do things, pleasurable things, like going out to dinner or even a derby after party. I've always been shy of things, and these minor breakdowns in the face of new social situations have periodically cropped up through my life, but in the last two years or so it's become chronic. I am trying to fight it with every fiber of my being, because there is a part of me that wants to be out and about. I like trying new things, sopping up new experiences, but in the end there's always this nagging feeling of foolishness or lack of safety. I don't know what it is really; if I did, I could dissect it until it no longer existed. Instead I literally have to wrestle myself in the doorway. It's stupid and a waste of my time and I just want to be done with it.

Friday, September 22, 2006


So I just made the travel team for real. Dixie's out, so I'm in. Freezing cold Minner-sota here I come!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Who died?

I wish that I had heard my phone ring because I missed a call from Pippi (the Take-Outs' captain) telling me that I'm one of two alternates for the Minnesota travel team. Which is just just so unbelievable that I want to ask her who died and made me alternate? Seriously, I love derby but the competition in my league is stiff. Part of the selection was based on availability for the bout date, but even within those limitations--still stiff competition for a newbie who perfers snickerdoodles to morning runs. All I know is I've been relieved of any cop-outs to my 'make yourself a derby hardass this winter' plan. I gotta practice now, for if one of my derby sisters should for any reason be unable to perform her duties, I need to be able to step in (and that actually means something in the land of broken tailbones and shattered ankles). Sweet fancy moses.

Going on

So I have a bit of a confession. I am April. April=books. Well here's the kicker, I ain't finished a goddamn book in six months. I have some sort of syndrome that only allows me to get 100-200 pages in, and then thud, the thing falls from my hands and my mind like... something else I can't remember. This is not a new development. Sure it's stepped up its power over me in the last six months, but like cancer, there were early warning signs. It all started a few years ago. I'd be on a huge reading binge, and then misplace the book. This happened a lot when I was still living at home, toting around two or three titles in a giant bag because I was nerdy like that. Where they ended up is beyond me: UMSL classrooms, under my car seats, J & D's place, Ryan's house, Ryan's Columbia apartment, the library, various coffee stations across STL, I was out and about a lot of the time. But it was fine, I could replace one with another and manage to plow through that one until I laid eyes on my old friend. Then came comics. I read a lot of comics before I worked at Star Clipper, but upon being hired there I felt the need to read EVERYTHING in order to be an informed employee. You may not know this, but comics folk are pretentious bitches and if you don't know jack they will never trust you ever ever again. I could finish all of those because, pictures AND words make me insanely happy; I almost always finish graphic novels in one sitting, even if they're written by Alex Robinson. But there's something that that kind of reading does to your brain (ie MY brain). I dunno if it's laziness or some form of pen and ink ADD or what; all I know is that my former co-worker calls normal books 'prose novels' as a way of equalizing the medium, and I'm thinking of adapting the phrase as a device for making myself feeling less lame. That's pretty lame. But even with Batman and Clyde Fans swimming in my head, I still read, just not as much as before. I took to reading even more short story collections, because it was easier to do it piecemeal. Easier to finish a little something, rather than leave a big something open ended. But now...
I thought the whole unfettered access to the (free!) library reserve system might be my panacea, but no! I order them, check them out, read a solid hundred in one go, and then let them mock me with their closed covers until I return them. Even if I'm really, really, really loving them (Wickett's Remedy). I know my skills of concentration are marginal, but books have always been the one place I could dig in and set up camp, so I cannot believe that this syndrome is all my doing. In fact I know it's not. Of the exceptionally wonderful books I've managed to finish in the last few years, I can only think of one (one!) that had a satisfying ending that did not a) bore me to tears or b) make me throw the blessed book across the room while screaming Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! And this is what really scares me. Because, see, I have these characters and I have these words and I have this mad overwhelming desire to start to throw them all together on paper. But every time I scrawl shit across a yellow legal pad lately, an obnoxious little fairy eats away at my fingers until I can no longer hold the pen for the pain of the fear of a wretched ending. Because even writers who I know are heads and shoulders above me never pay attention to her and allow their fingers to continue to write until they're down to the bone and all their fancy research and words are turned stale with the blood. Overwrought metaphor? Try this one on--heads so far up their own asses they fail to think of the sorts of readers who pine after books; who form entire relationships with the cover, the spine, and the meat inside. The kind of readers who trust that every time they crack open a new title the mysteries of the world will come spewing forth. I know it's a lot to expect. I believe in easy love in the real world, but I guess my expectations for fiction are just a liittle more high maintenance. I want the book to be the white knight that saves me from this dullard world, and when that knight turns out to have a 300 hundred page beer gut and unachieved ambitions of his own then I tend to to walk the other way.
I am seeking a remedy. I'm digging throught he annals of my youth. Children's books with fewer pages, large type, and realized goals. Books I've read. Books that inspired me to continue reading. And books I always should have read but was too occupied reading other ones. Little books with big beating hearts that will hopefully rebuild my trust in fiction so that I can continue on to their more complex big brothers. And then maybe I can once again go all the way

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Postin' Fool

Can you tell I'm on a one-week derby hiatus? I have no idea what to do with all my time/energy. That should translate to increased productivity (ie clenaing, writing, etc.) but the blessed interweb is still more seductive siren.
And now I've completely forgotten what I was going to write about. I love my new coffee maker. It keep the coffee hot in the machine and then all you have to do is press a button and it spills all yummy brown and caffienated into my cup. It wasa wedding gift that we didn't need because we actually already had two coffemakers, but I broke my pretty red carafe when moving and Ryan's is complicated looking so I decided I'd break open the Cuisinart. I'm glad I did.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Stupid stuff from a tired girl

The enemy of my enemy is my enemy.

I am really tired. but also wide awake with no direction. I think if I actually made the effort to go back to bed at this point I would fall asleep, but getting up from the big red space chair seems a little too daunting at the moment.
We went and saw the Black Dahlia today. I read the book around 8-10 years ago now. It's one of the things that truly perverted my sense of the world. Pretty much the rough and tumble description is lost in dePalma's translation though. Not that he doesn't try to make it sexy, just that it doesn't really have that raw edge that startled me so long ago. Granted I am a more jaded customer a decade later, but not by THAT much. Also, it's too complicated of a novel to adapt to screen without excising huge portions of the plot--which they did, but then expect everyone to fill in too much of the information while also being completely obvious with what is left. And that's my not so clever movie review of the day.
I think I might just be pissed because I really wanted to see Trust the Man with David Duchovny and Maggie Gyllenhaal and Co. but it seems to have left the entire Columbus area. Not like it was probably that spectacular either, but I think it's really where my brain wanted to be (ie Maggie Gyllenhaal's sweet, sweet bosom)

On another disappointing note, we watched the third season of Arrested Development recently, and knowing that the end is indeed here made it a bittersweet exchange. Sadly Charlize Theron's guest spot seems to be the fictional character most like April ever (besides the leggy blond thing), and we all know how that spoils out... Boo.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

But not really

And this:

Which Firefly character are you?

You are Captain Malcolm Reynolds, aka. Mal or Captain Tightpants. You saw most of your men die in a war you lost and now you seek solitude with a small crew that you are fiercely devoted to. You have no problems being naked.
Take this quiz!

Quizilla |

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Is why I am getting these:


Thursday, September 14, 2006


Today @ Work

Old Guy: Say I was wondering...

Me: Yeah?

Old looks at my chest for a moment

Old Guy (remembering to look back up): I work over at Papa John's across the street...

Eyes drop back down, train of thought is lost.

Me: Yeah? (begging with my voice for eye contact)

Old Guy: If we get in any wrong orders would you like me to bring over the free pizza?

Eyes drop again.

Me: No.
I don't eat pizza.

I'll admit that some cleavage is impossible to look way from, say Anita Ekberg in La Dolce Vita; however I don't dress my breasts to that epic level. Ever. Mostly because not a day has gone by since I reached the fourth letter of the alphabet (and on and on) that I haven''t tried to will them away or fantasized about applying a cheese slicer to the girth. As a result of those impulses I tend to be drawn to the sort of undergarments that promise to shave a cup and a half off by muzzling your dirty pillows in a tourniquet of reinforced steel and lace. I'm sure (I know) I've gotten the boob check before, but today was the most blatant fetishization I've experienced since a thirteen-year-old got all hot and bothered when I painted his face dressed as Moaning Myrtle a few years back. Something about me in glasses does it to them every time.

Note: The above story is a lot funnier when I use my hand as a puppet and make the pauses for breast viewing uncomfortably long.
Note: Because they were.

In Lieu of Content

Monday, September 11, 2006

Take-Outs Take It All

We won, bitches!

I got slammed around good and hard, but in a good way. My rewards for winning:

A very painful, but still barely visible bruise on my left thigh.

Getting to drink out of the giant gold Envy Cup.

Drinking a rollerita on an empty stomach and getting tipsier than planned (coupled with victory happy=goofy PD)

Signing Ziggy's butt!

There a million things I want to get better at before next season, but for now I'm going to take some time to enjoy the goodness of this season, especially getting to be a midseason replacement on the best of the best--The Take-Outs!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


So I wrote a heart-wrenching blog about being aimless, but the computer was hungry and ate it for brunch. Instead here is picture of me and some of my team playing dodgeball. Try not to miss my sexy delicate footwork. I'm such a puss.