" danger hat: Postin' Fool

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Postin' Fool

Can you tell I'm on a one-week derby hiatus? I have no idea what to do with all my time/energy. That should translate to increased productivity (ie clenaing, writing, etc.) but the blessed interweb is still more seductive siren.
And now I've completely forgotten what I was going to write about. I love my new coffee maker. It keep the coffee hot in the machine and then all you have to do is press a button and it spills all yummy brown and caffienated into my cup. It wasa wedding gift that we didn't need because we actually already had two coffemakers, but I broke my pretty red carafe when moving and Ryan's is complicated looking so I decided I'd break open the Cuisinart. I'm glad I did.


At 1:32 PM, Blogger lildira said...

keep it up - i gets sooo lonely when your blog deserts me.

also "wasa" is my favorite mis-typed word ever. lazy talkin' and typin' keep me happy.


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