" danger hat: Stupid stuff from a tired girl

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Stupid stuff from a tired girl

The enemy of my enemy is my enemy.

I am really tired. but also wide awake with no direction. I think if I actually made the effort to go back to bed at this point I would fall asleep, but getting up from the big red space chair seems a little too daunting at the moment.
We went and saw the Black Dahlia today. I read the book around 8-10 years ago now. It's one of the things that truly perverted my sense of the world. Pretty much the rough and tumble description is lost in dePalma's translation though. Not that he doesn't try to make it sexy, just that it doesn't really have that raw edge that startled me so long ago. Granted I am a more jaded customer a decade later, but not by THAT much. Also, it's too complicated of a novel to adapt to screen without excising huge portions of the plot--which they did, but then expect everyone to fill in too much of the information while also being completely obvious with what is left. And that's my not so clever movie review of the day.
I think I might just be pissed because I really wanted to see Trust the Man with David Duchovny and Maggie Gyllenhaal and Co. but it seems to have left the entire Columbus area. Not like it was probably that spectacular either, but I think it's really where my brain wanted to be (ie Maggie Gyllenhaal's sweet, sweet bosom)

On another disappointing note, we watched the third season of Arrested Development recently, and knowing that the end is indeed here made it a bittersweet exchange. Sadly Charlize Theron's guest spot seems to be the fictional character most like April ever (besides the leggy blond thing), and we all know how that spoils out... Boo.


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