" danger hat: Updates

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Because I think some may care here are some quick updates before I shuffle off to dreamland:

Ryan was horribly ill yesterday, weak and whiny and asleep the entire day. I've been downing Airborne like it's going to prevent something, but am sorta achy myself.

We saw the Departed today. Good fun!

Also my dad an brother are in town which means it's been toilet talk all day. If anyone has every wonder at my curious personality, one must only meet my mother and then spend a day with my father, and there it is.

So that big long book post, I have engaged a new solution: Time Traveler's Wife. God bless this perfect perfect book (which may actually have been the instigator of my ruin).

Derby: Ultimate frustration this week as my knee is all twingy. Since I am only on this trave team by the skin of coincidence, I feel re-al bad having to sit out at practice. Which means I don't, until I can't go anymore. Stoopid but determined not to suck it up.

The end.

(Oh yeah, my house is CLEAN. I can walk into room without tripping over laundry or fossilized dinner plates. Seriously now is the time to see the place--it can't last long!)


At 11:10 PM, Blogger sarahkate said...

Hey, listen to that knee of yours and take it easy. I know how important Travel Team is, but if you are not careful you may end up benched for more than one game. Ice it right after practice if possible and take your vitamins! Calcium is really important for female athletes.
Do I sound like a mom? Sorry.
We went to Geekfest (Archcon) and I saw a guy dressed as Mal. He was wearing your boots.


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