" danger hat: A Little Elbow Grease

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A Little Elbow Grease

Did you know that when you clean your house you feel like a better person? No. Really. Especially if this cleaning includes shelving some of your estranged library, whose pretty pretty spines have been hidden away in stinky cardboard boxes in the cellar. Suddenly your new home will feel like YOUR new home, especially if you can tilt your shoulder back and grab 'I Am Going to Be Small' or that weird book about mexican votive painting. And seriously if you just take ten minutes to suck up the rug crumbs that obstruct the pretty scrolly pattern of your area rug, you won't feel like such a dirty scuzzbag who should be swilling screwcap wine in some back alley with a guy named Joe Joe Jr instead of paying rent (not like I do that right now anyway, I am sort of a kept woman). If only I could manage to scrub in perpetuity like my cleanly parents, then I could feel swell all of the time instead of in large bursts of squeaky relief.


At 2:18 PM, Blogger sarahkate said...

peanut, cleanliness may be next to godliness, but it is also close to insanity. Untidy folk, like you and I, have highly organized minds. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

At 6:48 PM, Blogger Xenti said...

You know....screwcap wine is actually better, from a preservation standpoint. No cork to dry out or taint the precious liquid inside.

Many of the world's finer vintages are making the switch to screwcap.

At 8:37 PM, Blogger April said...

Sk8-I don't think anyone ahs ever referred to my brain as organized.

Husband-I know these things, but screwcap wine still elicits the right feel for Mr. Joe Joe Jr. Maybe in ten years the stigma will be gone, but tha tis a ways off.


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