" danger hat: Nothing Ever Happens in Blaine

Monday, May 08, 2006

Nothing Ever Happens in Blaine

I think I could make this a very exciting blogsite, but to do that I would have to lie to you. I've been waved away from lying as supposed truth by Annie Dillard (maybe it's Anne Lamott, or maybe Anne Lamott writing about Annie Dillard, fuck if I can keep it straight) and a few personal essay teachers. Apparently lying can make for a fetching story, but if your readership finds out they become deflated/feel betrayed/want to kill you (see: James Frey--still a great book in my opinion, but I live my life believing that everyone is falsifying their existence to amuse me). See I try to punch things up sentence-wise, but it all comes out boring-boring and with the punched up sentences, somewhat indecipherable. Bleh. The fact of the matter is, I want to blog because I'm bored--but there's nothing to blog about because I am boring.
For example, a list of things I did today:
Ate the last donut for breakfast
Drove around Columbus
Watched the last episode of Angel (finally)
Made a mini-pizza
Ate a mini-pizza (the very one I had just baked)
Pretended to do floor exercises (I never know what the hell I'm doing)
Caught up on celebrity exploits/fashions on the Internet (less maddening than keeping up with political exploits)
Made coffee
Drank coffee
Surfed the Internet
Watched the Gilmore Girls
Watched Golden Girls
Pretended to do more floor exercises (slightly more successful)
Made pasta
Ate pasta
Walked with Ryan to Kroger
Walked back from Kroger
Ate ice cream
Watched American Dad (not the biggest fan, though admittedly I laugh at some stuff)
Went to gym
Did gym things longer than normal because Futurama came on in the middle and I had to finish out the episode
Took shower
Surfed Internet
Started to 'blog'
Um, yeah...

I know most blogs are just the random snot of boring people such as myself, but Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, it'd be nice if I could find interest in something other than myself long enough to wax philosophical about. Feel free to suggest a topic or seven, if I know nothing about it I can use Wikipedia and form a half-assed opinion.

It's Princess Disgrace, by the way...#31. And I'm still verrry slow and out of shape.


At 11:52 PM, Blogger sarahkate said...

I for one would like to see some comix reviews, if you are bored. As you unpack and arrange the stash you have on the shelves (that I'm so sure you had built the moment you moved into the temporary and probably tiny apartment) perhaps you can enlighten us with witty snippets about the personal lives of the menially talented as shared in the other "my life is boring so I'll tell everyone about it" medium: the mini comic. Blogging about mini comics, perhaps in mini comic form, may just make you The Biggest Geek on the Planet. Never mind, I'll go do that right now, can't have you stealing my title.

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Ted Carter said...

Amen to comix reviews.


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