" danger hat: Librarian April?

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Librarian April?

I might finally be fulfilling my destiny of working in an official library. I had my interview with the mega-library here in town for a position at one of their branches (close to our soon to be townhome) which went so well I got shipped over to that branch for an interview with the the head librarian there. I think it went well (in general if I can land the interview, I can land the job). I've had my interview outfit picked out for a month now, but when I put it on today it looked really frumpy and ill-fitted. The only thing that did look right was my maroon librarian-esque dress that sort of makes me look like a parody (albeit a chaste one) of a naughty librarian (more like the librarian who might play roller derby to AC/DC vs. the librarian who might pole dance). Needless to say I wore my glasses and worked the look.
The branch I interviewed at was tiny tiny, but I think I could be successful there. I'd really like to work at the main branch eventually though because it is a Carnegie builing and therefore chock full of gorgeous marble staircases. And I could pretend the basement stacks were haunted with snot covered card catalogues and a three quarter full-bodied apparition.
When asked why I wanted to work in the library I said it was because I felt well-suited for the work, but my answer should have been, "I watched Party Girl a lot."
Awkward silence.
"I mean, A LOT."
Christ I'm as bad as my husband. `cept I don't collect replicas, I just make my life a replica. Who's crazier? I'll never tell.
Speaking of husbands, he finally posted a new blog. You should go read it. He's actually happy!


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