Vent vent vent...
I try to keep my whining levels down on this site. But I just have to get something off my chest so I can work at the job I won't be at in three weeks.
This is the major frustration of being married right now: The Ohio thing is pretty much settled, right? Except for yesterday Ryan gets a call from this Chicago company that he also sent info away to, who also seem pretty interested. Now, I have to say that this is just un-freakin-fair as far as my mental stability goes. If I have to leave St. Louis, Chicago is where I want to be leaving to (in lieu of London which we will never, ever be able to afford). Ryan's heart is already tied to the Ohio job (and its ridiculous salary, benefits, va-kay time, and denim-clad Fridays). And yet there he goes danglin' the pretty Windy City in front of me, like it's an option at all. I mean they have two, TWO roller derby leagues for goodness sake. It's obvious which is the town for me. We also actually know people there, know people who would come visit (um, the whole of St. Louis and my families). And then there's the thing I'm most desirous of: ample public transport.
So if I seem a little scattered, a little lost at the moment, it's because my husband's career is playing Jenga with my heart and mind. I entered the marriage knowing full well that this was going to happen (ie I have bubkus earning potential at the moment and all of my talents are easily freelanced), but now that it's here it's a LOT more stressful than I anticipated.
London's a horrible place anyway.
Look at this way..
If you move to Columbus, you'll have more than enough money to travel. Whether it be Chicago, or London.
Unfortunately, money is a necessary evil. Necessary to have, when you want to be evil. Not having enough money to do what you like will just make you unhappy. Which then makes the evil come out more like mean.
Good luck to you!
Thanks for the thoughts, folks. I'm really not that sour on the situation just cranky and impatient. Honestly what's concerning me most is that I will miss open recruitment for all of the derby leagues and be unable to bang girls into the maple until next year. I have become very single minded.
I'm also cranky because I still haven't decided what I want to/can do with myself careerwise. I'm still trying to find a career path that strikes the right balance between earning a living wage and finding some sort of creative/emotional satisfaction. The fact that I can look but not touch due to the impending move is making me a little batshit (my favorite new word, by the way). I'm pretty much having to treat all of this like I treat waiting in the airport or waiting for the speculum, I have to remind myself that in five minutes, in one week, in three months, all this will be over and I will be moving on.
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