" danger hat: O' Piss O' Vinegar

Friday, February 03, 2006

O' Piss O' Vinegar


One friend sends me a notebook full up with a story written for me ten years ago.
Another friend sends me an e-mail that gives me hope we will be able remold our crumbled friendship.
I spend most of the day being mean to my friend at work on her last day so that she won't cry. It doesn't work.
I stand on wheels with dozens of other girls. We all heave from exertion as we stumble on our second feet and laugh at our clumsiness.
I run into a girl I knew long ago, and we share rides to the rink and stories we never knew about each other.
I send a friend in glasses an e-mail describing her, and she sends me a sweet one back.

It's an ebb and flow, I guess, this friendship thing.


At 7:34 AM, Blogger Ted Carter said...

Better than the still waters of loneliness any day.


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