" danger hat: Binge

Friday, January 06, 2006


So I did all of my Xmas shopping one or two days before the holiday. Getting such a late start means that my appetite is still whetted for rampant consumerism. I keep having to remind myself that I don't need a Pucci scarf or $200 boots, so I've started some therapy by replacing the boots with sleep and the designer labels with chocolate cake (hey, if I lard up, a flash of Pucci's not gonna make a difference).
I also occupy my mind with exciting career ideas, which basically means I look at classifieds all day long. This morning's search was unproductive however, as I was nudging E on my gas-o-meter, and kept thinking, "That job's twenty effin' miles away, there's no way I can make that..." Guess my gas tank isn't the only thing running on empty.


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