" danger hat: What's at the other end of this well?

Monday, March 20, 2006

What's at the other end of this well?

I skipped all of the scheduled rollergirl activities this weekend. A concert/benefit, dinner at Outback, drinks... Practice was canceled Sunday due to a previously scheduled event at our rink. I wouldn't have skipped that. I think I may be erasing myself from the team.
Instead we went to Annalise's school play (Stage Door performed by middle-schoolers, she was adorable and funny and really present in every scene. I bet she gets an awesome part next year). And yesterday we went over to James' parents' house for his b-day dinner, where we got to eat unbelievably yummy Korean food that honestly I could have spent the entire evening gorging myself on. I also managed to go up to BBH with the kids and then back to 521 to chat and watch James play this strange video game with a hyper-violent/weirdly sexual Ancient Greece theme.
I have to say that more than anything it was wonderful to see all those kids again. I love roller derby, but I felt more at home than I have in a long time just sitting and drinking with them. Especially getting the chance to moan and groan with Diana about the world. Sometimes I think she may be the one of the only people who has as much pent up aggression tangled with such goddamn persistent hope as me. Our friendship got a little bumblefucked this year; we both had lots of things going on and really we were due for a parting. I don't normally keep friends that long and we're both so peculiar that it's amazing we haven't gotten caught on the mismatched ridges before now... Anyway suffice to say last night was nice, and now I'm really going to miss everyone like crazy.
Ryan spent the whole weekend packing his dvds. Which I promise is a Herculean task. And I spent most of the rest of the weekend in bed, or screaming in outbursts, and watching V for Vendetta (which everyone seems to have liked it but me)...


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