" danger hat: So much eating...

Sunday, March 26, 2006

So much eating...

I went to the ARRG barbecue last night, as promised. It was at Cid's house, who is one of my favorite rollergirls by far, so it was easy for me to schlepp down to South City. It was fun, but I ate waaaay too much. I've been doin' it plain this week, coffee and toast and Girl Scout cookies, and so to have a smorgasbord of yummies (spicy chicken legs and ice cream cake and a bowl of cheese and brownies) was overwhelming and I'm pretty sure I had one or three of everything before the night was over. I also indulged in the sort of drinking that I never do: a shot glass roulette game with Pucker and Schnapps (Ugh, I am not a fan, and of course my numbers kept coming up) and Jello shots (which are yummy). And while at one point I definitely had a drunk on, it disappeared quickly and was replaced by the low hum of a headache. I like whiskey's drunk better, but considering I have no trace of hangover today I guess I can see why people like the sweet stuff. I played a mad game of pool, where I jumped balls over other balls to hit my balls into the pocket. All by accident of course. Overall it was a good time (even though some of my other favorite gals were not in attendance). I came home to a passed out husband (surprise, surprise) and an inviting bed.
The end.


At 9:47 AM, Blogger Ted Carter said...

Read me another story. I don't wanna go to bed.


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