" danger hat: Some Piss, Some Vinegar

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Some Piss, Some Vinegar

So we ducked out the benefit early because I am a bad rollergirl and started feeling over-whelmed by the sold out crowd. Also I started getting cranky because Mothra's Mutha (the only band we actually saw) was totally excellent and yet everyone around me was striking a dull pose and snarfing down their drinks. Not that I did anything to encourage any more raucous behavior. I wanted to dance, but decided instead to ditch. I'm not very good at having the responsibility of having a guest, but I brought Ryan along to show him what was what. He was a bit snarky poo about stuff (not the girls, to quote, "You've got some lookers on your team." or the band "I liked the girl who knew her way around a guitar.") and I just can't handle the worry that someone's not having a good time under my watch. It was probably a wise decision to leave early anyway as I was running a lowgrade fever earlier yesterday and feel like utter crap today (though disappointingly not hungover). I signed some dude's paper and made chit chat with a few boy-fans who deciphered my monkier so I s'pose I did my part. And perhaps I'll be more aggressive next time, as I will be leaving the boy at home, though he is fiendishly handsome arm candy...


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