" danger hat: Greeting from Korea

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Greeting from Korea

Greeting from Korea
Originally uploaded by BozAphra.
I got this sweet little nothing over the blessed Internet for Mr. Yi. I'm sure the sender did not realize that what he actually sent me is the equivalent of a two bean Sambuca. 'The Swine" are old foes of mine from the early days of crime fighting. I weeded them out pretty well for a novice, but I know that Citizen Hambone and what was left of the Trichinosis Gang hopped a jet to Bali. See the way he rests his right hand over his left? To an American that's a thumbs up, but in the Pork Underbelly it means, "You will no longer huff nor puff you silly human with the long black hair, we are coming for you. You murdered our brothers and made tasty tasty sausage that even we were tempted to delight in, but could not as that would make us cannibals. We are not cannibals we are gangsters, though soon we will be assassins."

Citizen Hambone, I'm shaking in my boots. Clearly you've pussied out, as you seem to be hiding your mangled hooves in fingered gloves. What are you Mickey Mouse? Some boss you are. I've got all the sausage casing and fennel I need to take care of your lot.


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