Year in Review
I spent most of the year thinking I would probably be moving to Texas at the end of it. A secret I kept not so secret after a glass of wine. Dallas is not in the cards at the moment, but I still have an uncertain future in an uncertain city ahead of me. It's still the waiting game for us--but vacating Columbus is inevitable at some point unless the breadwinner decides to change career paths or I find a career path right quick. We're looking countrywide now and that ranges from the inspiring (Chicago) to the aw, hell no (Fayetteville).
I learned that I absolutely cannot work an office job, even if that means returning to the low paying world of retail. I have sought out several solutions to the ongoing career crisis--including going so far as to enroll in science classes (that I enjoyed!) but it seems unlikely hat I have the patience at my advanced age to make that career path come to fruition. I also discovered that I love cooking (no surprise since my jean size reveals I love food), and am currently considering that path but know that I am also WAAAY behind in that field too. I still write and draw but have pretty much given up on the hope that I will ever be satisfied enough with anything I produce to send it into the world of commerce. I have also become painfully aware that if/when this derby biz becomes more lucrative, my body will have fallen apart at the seams. I will play like a champ amateur until the day the I unravel though.
I have a few semi-secret pots on the burners as I always need things to strive and look forward to, but the angst is still the same ol same ol in this neck of the woods and I don't see an end in sight despite being past the polite age for this sort of thing.
Cheers and Happy Life Day!