" danger hat: July 2007

Thursday, July 12, 2007



Alive Stegosaurus one flank or foot
Stegosaurus bones on the other flank or foot.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Surprise, surprise I'm having a hard time adhering to self-imposed deadlines. I promise you there are sentences, but I also promise you they don't mean much at this point. I'm pretty sure they'll produce at least three stories though, so I'll make up for my negligence later this week.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

New format soon

Intent: Next Monday (sooner if I find the will) this site will be a daily flash fiction site. This is an attempt to flex my writing muscles before diving headlong into something more gigantic. So ideally as of next week you can read a story a day--they may be very good or very bad, but they will all be posted. 'You' of course being a wee blonde and whoever else straggles over to this site from time to time.