Dear April,
Things you've learned this week:
Detroit is possibly the most dystopic city ever.
Eating many bananas will make you gut bloat like you are preggers.
Talking to people isn't so hard. In fact people kind of like you. I know you aren't sure what to do with this information.
You still do that weird clicking thing with the back of your throat when you are sick.
Your husband hates this.
You miss someone so much you have recurring dreams about them.
You love music. To insane amounts.
Particularly Queen. And songs with organs. And girl singers.
You are not ashamed of this.
You still really want to illustrate children's books. And staring at them on a regular basis at work is starting to give you a complex.
You are ashamed of this.
You relish dressing frumpy.
You're newly in love. But you're not sure who or what with. Probably the air.
Definitely air.