" danger hat: September 2005

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

We miss out on London due to excessive sleep

My husband and I spent a good lot of our day in bed today, and not in a sexy honeymoon way. I had set the alarm for 9am so we could get about checking things off our list of things to do. However, we ignored its urging noise in favor of slumber in our cush hotel room. So no wax figures for us today, just a bit of shopping in the West End and a Chinese dinner. We will have to double time it tomorrow.

In another turn of events I was Monroed by a stiff Brit breeze and showed my orange undies to all of Park Lane. My new nickname shall be cheeky.

More when I get home. Ta-ta!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Less than two weeks to go. Fingernails nubs.

I've big few weeks ahead. Mom gets in Saturday and from there last minute wedding prep commences. Little boxes will be filled. Table cards made. Feet pedicured. I'm getting very excited as I haven't seen most of my out of town family in two years. And I get to wear a very pretty dress. And THEN I get to go to London. It's a tremendous spike of activity in my rather mudane lifestyle.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

My closet threw up.

My closet threw up.
Originally uploaded by BozAphra.
Why does this always happen to me?

Saturday, September 03, 2005

The Wee Me

Feeding Time at the Zoo
Originally uploaded by BozAphra.
I sometimes wonder what this girl would think of me. If I were a real time traveler and I sat down with her at this table at the zoo, would I be the cool older mentor or the icky older loser. I think if I wore my glasses upside down, brought her a cellophane flower, and gave her many many hugs, she'd like me. If I recall those things make her real happy.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Oh, life, you wicked bitch

We have a bee problem. Actually a yellow jacket problem, which Ryan tells me are actually wasps. We also have a narrow driveway that Ryan backs out of every morning. We also have a tendency to freak out. Thursday morning Ryan kisses me goodbye and I fall into a sort of waking sleep. I hear a noise, think he's scuffed his car against the house. I walk out into the sunroom to see if the noise is his. I can't see his car so I let it go. Then I hear it,

"April!" and again, "APRIL!"

At this point I have no clue what is going on but I know it has to be bad if he has to shout for me. I throw on pants in flash so the neighborhood doesn't get to glimpse my undies. Run out the back.

I see Ryan, but I can't see the problem. He yells to go around the front of the house. And I'm running, I slip on the wet grass in the front yard, pick myself up and run to the other side of the house where I find my husband-to-be pinned to the side of our home sweet home by the driver side door of his Forester.

He tells me to put the car into drive. I do it. He's free. The car door is pretty much bent backwards.

I hug him. After the adrenaline has settled I ask,

"What happened?"

"There were bees in the car."

And I'm laughing and laughing and laughing.

So in the manner of the American we chemical-bombed those fuckers with two cans of wasp killer last night. I don't know that they're totally demolished, but the usual swarm wasn't there to greet me when I left for work.